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RAFI GmbH & Co. KG
Ravensburger Str. 128-134, D-88276 Berg
From Ulm
Take the main road (B30, new) in the direction of Ravensburg. Turn off at the exit “Ravensburg Nord/Berg” and turn right, then turn left in the direction of Berg.
From Reutlingen/Bad Saulgau (B32)
Before Weingarten, turn right onto the main road (B30, new) in the direction of Ravensburg. Turn off at the first exit (Ravensburg Nord/Berg), then turn left in the direction of Berg.
From Friedrichshafen
After entering the city of Ravensburg, turn left in the direction of Ulm/Markdorf and bear left. Continue left in the direction of Ulm on the main road (B30, new).
Continue until you reach the exit “Berg”. Take the exit, turn right, and follow the road.